Everything about Hyperlinks in Word

when writing an article, the Hyperlink can be so helpful in Word.

When writing an article, you need to link to resources. But why?

Imagen your article has 1000 pages, and it can be challenging to find a subject. Or sometimes, you use some resources and need to link to them. So it would help if you used Hyperlinks, and this article will teach us how to use Hyperlink in different situations. For example, how to link to the websites, Link to another word document, use bookmarks and create internal clickable links, reference a page or Word, etc.

Fast access:

  1. how to hyperlink a website in Word
  2. Create a hyperlink to a specific page in the same document
  3. Creating a Bookmark for linking in the Word
  4. Change the style of a subject to Heading
  5. How to link to a file in Word
  6. Create a hyperlink to a specific location in another document
  7. How to delete or edit hyperlinks in MS Word
  8. What is the shortcut of Hyperlink?
  9. FAQ about Hyperlinks in Word

How to use the Hyperlink in Word

It depends on where and why you want to add links. I start with simple linking in Word. If you know how to link in Word and want to find your answer, use the Fast Access above.

how to hyperlink a website in Word

Path: select the term you want to link to the website > right-click on it > click on Link > a dialog box shows up > copy and paste the website’s URL in the Address field > click on OK

Notice: You can use  Ctrl +k instead of right-clicking and clicking on the Link.

Know you create a Hyperlink that can open the website you were linking. Hold Ctrl and click on the link to open the website.

Create a hyperlink to a specific page in the same document

Sometimes, you want to connect a term to a subject on another page.

You can do it In two ways, create a bookmark or change your subject’s style to headings.

Creating a Bookmark for linking in the Word

Path: select the subject or any phrase you want to link to it >  go to Insert Tab > click on Bookmark from Links group > insert a name > click on add > select the term you want to link > click on Link > click on Bookmark > select  the Bookmark you created > click on OK

Notice: selecting the subject for creating a Bookmark is not essential. You must place the cursor where you want to make a Bookmark and then create a Bookmark.

Change the style of a subject to Heading

Path: select the subject > go to Home Tab > select the Heading from Styles group > select the phrase you want to link > click on the Link > click on the Bookmark on the right-side > choose your subject from heading

How to link to a file in Word

it’s the same as before; the difference is you should choose the file you want from the Current Folder.

For example, you want to link to a PDF file. Choose the PDF from the current folder, and when you hold Ctrl and click on the link, it opens automatically

Create a hyperlink to a specific location in another document

It’s the same as linking to another file. But when you want to link to a specific location in another document, you must do one more thing.

Click on the Word file, then click on Bookmark. Now you can see the bookmarks in that file click on it and click on Ok.

Notice: you should create a Bookmark for the location you want to link.

Now you know everything about links in Microsoft Word. You can create a link for anything you want.

How to delete or edit hyperlinks in MS Word

Edit Hyperlinks

Path: right-click on the Hyperlink you want to edit > click on  the Edit Hyperlink > edit your link

Path: right-click on the Hyperlink you want to edit > click on the remove Hyperlink

What is the shortcut of Hyperlink?

Path: Ctrl+k > it will open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box

FAQ about Hyperlinks in Word

How to keep hyperlinks when converting Word to pdf

It will be kept when you save Word as a PDF.

Why my Hyperlink is not working in Word?

It depends on how you are creating a Hyperlink. To find out why It doesn’t work, first, you should find out what your problem is.

Test it again and pay attention to details. Check links, Bookmarks, Headings, and all the processes. If they are all correct, send us a message, and we will help you solve your problem.

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